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"; echo "See all easy-shoppe.com auctions that accept Phoenix-Pay.com
"; if($selcat=="Showcase") { $sql="SELECT distinct customers.customerid, businessname, businessurl, businessemail, country, businessindustry, description, adult from customers, merchantdesc where customers.customerid=merchantid and LENGTH(description)>10 and `merchant`=1 and `blocked`=0 order by rand()"; } elseif(strlen($selcat)==1) { $selcat=strtoupper($selcat); $sql="SELECT distinct customers.customerid, businessname, businessurl, businessemail, country, businessindustry, description, adult from customers LEFT JOIN merchantdesc on customers.customerid=merchantdesc.merchantid LEFT JOIN merchantkeywords on customers.customerid=merchantkeywords.customerid where (businessname like '$selcat%') and merchant=1 and `blocked`=0 order by rand()"; } elseif(strlen($selcat)>1) { $selcat=strtolower($selcat); $sql="SELECT distinct customers.customerid, businessname, businessurl, businessemail, country, businessindustry, description, adult from customers LEFT JOIN merchantdesc on customers.customerid=merchantdesc.merchantid LEFT JOIN merchantkeywords on customers.customerid=merchantkeywords.customerid where (lower(keyword) like '%$selcat%' or businessname like '%$selcat%') and merchant=1 and `blocked`=0 order by rand()"; } else { $sql="SELECT Distinct customerid, businessname, businessurl, businessemail, country, businessindustry, description, adult from customers LEFT JOIN merchantdesc on customers.customerid=merchantdesc.merchantid where `merchant`=1 and `blocked`=0 order by rand() LIMIT 0, 5 "; } // $sql="SELECT distinct customers.customerid, businessname, businessurl, businessemail, country, businessindustry, description, adult from customers, merchantdesc where (businessname like '$selcat%') and customers.customerid=merchantid and LENGTH(description)>5 and `merchant`=1 and `blocked`=0 order by rand()"; // $sql="SELECT distinct customers.customerid, businessname, businessurl, businessemail, country, businessindustry, description, adult from customers LEFT JOIN merchantdesc on customers.customerid=merchantdesc.merchantid LEFT JOIN merchantkeywords on customers.customerid=merchantkeywords.customerid where (businessname like '$selcat%') and `merchant`=1 and `blocked`=0 order by rand()"; $rs=mysql_query($sql); $num=mysql_num_rows($rs); echo "
'".$selcat."' merchants
"; if($num==0) { } else { echo ""; echo ""; for($j=0;$j<$num;$j++) { $customerid=mysql_result($rs,$j,"customerid"); $businessname=mysql_result($rs,$j,"businessname"); $businessurl=mysql_result($rs,$j,"businessurl"); $businessemail=mysql_result($rs,$j,"businessemail"); $description=mysql_result($rs,$j,"description"); $description=strip_tags($description, ''); if(mysql_result($rs,$j,"adult")==1) { $adult="Adult"; } else { $adult=""; } if(strlen($businessname)==0) { $businessname=$businessemail; } if(strtolower(substr($businessurl, 0, 3))=="www") { $businessurl="http://".$businessurl; } if(strlen($description)==0) { $description="
- No description yet -
"; } if(strlen($businessurl)>0) { $link=""; $linkend=""; } else { $link=""; $linkend=""; } if(strlen($businessurl)>5) { echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } } echo "
".$link.$businessname."$linkend     $adult
"; } ?>
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