6 && strlen($_POST['Password'])>2) { ##### $sql2="select `customerid` from `customers` where (email=".$email2." or `businessemail`=".$email2.") and `password`=".$password2." ;"; $sql2="select `customerid` from `customers` where (email=".$email2.") and `password`=".$password2." ;"; $rs2=mysql_query($sql2); $num2=mysql_num_rows($rs2); if($num2==0) { # incorrect password for this email address $flgError=1; } else { if(is_blocked($email)) { $flgError=99; } else { $thislogindate=date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $thisloginip_=getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); $thisloginhost=gethostbyaddr($thisloginip_); $thisloginip=ip2long($thisloginip_); $customerid=mysql_result($rs2,0,"customerid"); if($thisloginip_!="") { if(identify_suspicious_login($thisloginip, $customerid, $email)) { $flag=1; set_customer_flag($customerid, 1); } else { $flag=0; } $sql4="INSERT INTO `customer_logins` ( `customerid` , `logindatetime` , `loginip` , `loginhost`, `flag` ) VALUES ( '$customerid', '$thislogindate', '$thisloginip', '$thisloginhost', '$flag' ); "; $re=mysql_query($sql4); } $sql3="UPDATE `customers` set `lastlogindate`=`thislogindate`, `lastloginip`=`thisloginip`, `lastloginhost`=`thisloginhost`, `thislogindate`='$thislogindate', `thisloginip`='$thisloginip', `thisloginhost`='$thisloginhost' where customerid='$customerid'"; $re=mysql_query($sql3); recalc($customerid); header("location: http://www.phoenix-pay.com/myaccount.php?$tmstamp"); exit(); } } } } } else { $flgError=2; #not signed up yet } } } startpage(); if($flgError==3) { #not activated yet ?>

There's been a problem...
Your account is not activated yet!

Please refer to the account activation email you received from Phoenix-pay.com and click on the link inside. This will activate your account and you will be able to log in.

Click to resend your activation message

There's been a problem...
Your account is currently disabled!

Please contact the Support Desk immediately for assistance and information.

There's been a problem...
You have money waiting, but your account is not yet set up!

Please proceed to the signup page and enter your details, making sure you use your '' email address! Once we have your details, we will activate your account and you'll then be able to log in.
There's been a problem...
We do not have this email address in our database. Here are some tips if you are having difficulty with your email address:

1. Your email address cannot contain any spaces.
2. Be sure you use your email address and not your name.
3. Be sure to type your full email address, in the format youremail@provider.com
4. If you no longer have access to your email address, you must still use it to log in. Then you may change your email address in the Preferences section of your account.

If you no longer use the email address you signed up for Phoenix-pay.com with, you will still need to sign in using your original email address and password. This is how the Phoenix-pay.com system recognizes you. After logging in, you can change the email address you use to sign in by going to the Profile subtab of the My Account tab and choosing the Email link from the left-hand menu.

Are you using a browser that doesn't support cookies, or do you have cookies disabled?:

For your security and convenience, your browser must support cookies, and the option must be enabled in order for you to login. By enabling cookies, you won't have to log in with your password every time you view a new page. To enable cookies, please see the online help for your browser.

More information
Here are some tips if you are having difficulty with your password:

1. Your password is case sensitive; please make sure you have properly included any capital letters. Check to see if you left your CAPS LOCK on.
2. Your password cannot contain any spaces.
3. Your password must be at least eight (8) characters long.
4. If you have forgotten your password, use our Password Recovery Process.

Here are some tips if you are having difficulty with your email address:

1. Your email address cannot contain any spaces.
2. Be sure you use your email address and not your name.
3. Be sure to type your full email address, in the format youremail@provider.com
4. If you no longer have access to your email address, you must still use it to log in. Then you may change your email address in the Preferences section of your account.

If you no longer use the email address you signed up for Phoenix-pay.com with, you will still need to sign in using your original email address and password. This is how the Phoenix-pay.com system recognizes you. After logging in, you can change the email address you use to sign in by going to the Profile subtab of the My Account tab and choosing the Email link from the left-hand menu.

Are you using a browser that doesn't support cookies, or do you have cookies disabled?:

For your security and convenience, your browser must support cookies, and the option must be enabled in order for you to login. By enabling cookies, you won't have to log in with your password every time you view a new page. To enable cookies, please see the online help for your browser.

Please ensure you enter a valid email address before you continue!

"; } ?> Please ensure you enter the code displayed in the graphic below into the Turing Number field before you continue.

"; } ?> Incorrect email/password combination. Please try again. If you have forgotten your password, you can have it resent.

"; } ?>
Email Address:
       Turing number: (?) (Can't see the number?)
Password: (Forget your password?)

New users sign up here -- it only takes a minute

Security tips
At Phoenix-pay.com, maintaining your account's security is our top priority. To augment the security measures that we take on your behalf, there are steps that you can take to help protect your account.

Website security
  • Type in the Phoenix-pay.com URL: To safely and securely access the Phoenix-pay.com website or your Phoenix-pay.com account, open a new web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer or Mozilla) and type in the following: http://www.Phoenix-pay.com
Password safety
  • Never share your Phoenix-pay.com password: Phoenix-pay.com representatives will never ask you for your password. If you believe someone has learned your password, please change it immediately and contact us.
  • Create a secure password: Choose a password that uses a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. For example, b3tt!er128 or fOx3yl4dy. Avoid choosing obvious words or dates such as a nickname or your birth date.
  • Keep your Phoenix-pay.com password unique: Do not use the same password for Phoenix-pay.com and other online services such as AOL, eBay, MSN, or Yahoo. Using the same password for multiple websites increases the likelihood that someone could learn your password and gain access to your account.
Email security
  • Do not share personal information via email: We will never ask you to enter your password or financial information in an email or send such information in an email. You should only share information about your account once you have logged in to http://www.Phoenix-pay.com/.
  • Do not download attachments: Phoenix-pay.com will never send you an attachment or software update to install on your computer.
Use Your Account Wisely
  • Do not share your account: Do not use your Phoenix-pay.com account to collect or transfer money for someone else. These types of activity are often conducted as forms of money laundering or mail fraud and may result in significant criminal penalties. If someone contacts you and asks you to transfer money on their behalf, you should deny the request and contact us immediately.
  • Look for legitimate sites: Examine all privacy and security seals before doing business with a particular website and make sure they are legitimate.